segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009


Em continuidade com o post anterior...

Estou a ver o filme de Michael Moore, SiCKO!

Entre muitas e várias coisas que são completamente repugnantes e que dão vontade de entrar dentro do computador para apertar o pescoço a alguém, há este comentário que gostaria de partilhar convosco!

Tony Benn: "What democracy did was to give the poor the vote and it moved power from the marketplace to the polling station, from the wallet to the ballot." And he states that the reason Britain adopted national health insurance after World War II was because they realized that "If you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people.... I think democracy is the most revolutionary thing in the world, far more revolutionary than socialist ideas.... Because if you have power, you use it to meet the needs of you and your community.... And if you're shackled with debt you don't have a freedom to choose."

Michael Moore: "
It benefits the system if the average working person is shackled with debt."

Tony Benn: "
Because people in debt become hopeless and hopeless people don't vote.... If the poor in Britain or the United States turned out and voted for people who represented their interests it would be a democratic revolution. So they don't want it to happen. So keeping people hopeless and pessimistic.... See I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all, frighten people. And secondly, demoralize them. An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern, and I think there's an element in the thinking of some people- we don't want people to be educated, healthy and confident because they would get out of control. The top 1 percent of the world's population owns 80 percent of the world's wealth. It's incredible that people put up with it but they're poor, they're demoralized, they're frightened and they think perhaps the safest thing to do is take orders and hope for the best."

é por estas e por outras que me apetece dar dois pares de estalos sempre que ouço alguém (desempregado, pensionista, jovem, trabalhador, peixeiro, agricultor, pescador, metalurgico, estudante, intelectual, cantor, musico, actor, ambientalista, cientista, bolseiro, emigrante...)dizer que não vai votar!!!! 

Enfim, é para isso que eu voto e luto! O que me dá alento é ver que ainda há pessoas que pensam como eu e continuam a lutar... 


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